Thursday, November 8, 2012

Snuggle Cat Scarf

I loved the idea of an animal scarf but I really wanted to make one in eyelash yarn so I could get the super soft snuggly feeling of a cat purring in your ear. Unfortunately, as much as I love eyelash yarn I have a horrible time crocheting with it.

So I’ve been playing with developing a knitting pattern for a simple cat that’s super easy to do but still actually looks like a cat.

Dagmar (the black kitty) was my first attempt. I used a strand of Boa yarn and a strand of Fun Fur for his body and when the Fun Fur ran out, made his tail in just one strand of Boa. His head is crocheted and his ears are a little on the round side. I’m immensely pleased with his legs though - I used a spool knitter. I suppose you could do an icord as well but my hands like spool knitting better:)

Lila was my next try. I redid the head so there’s no crochet work at all on her, just nice simple knitting. I’m still loving the spool knit legs; notice how the ends bulge out just a bit to look like real paws? It does that all by itself. Something I hate on scarves but it works out well for kitty legs. Her ears turned out way better too.

I’m trying for an orange kitty next. I think I’ll name him Brutus. I’ve actually named them all after cats I know, or used to know. I would say owned, but really, cats sort of own us:)

UPDATE: The pattern is up for sale in my Etsy shop, here's the link: